2009, Oct 21
After spending three days in the city of South Korea, I will be back to Tokyo.
Then, for the following week, I will visit again Seoul for another business trip.
I will spend almost a third of this month in total in South Korea for business trips!
Surprisingly to me, Seoul town looks relatively similiar with the one in Japan.
Even when I visit a supermarket to buy something in Seoul city, I do not feel gap so much, and feel as if I am in a city of Japan although I can not understand any South Korean language.
I hope I can enjoy free time if available,
and can relax between jobs in the country!
From Oct.1

On October 1, I will be hired by a company in Tokyo as a permanent employee.
For newcomers, the company hold a ceremony and trainings in two days.
I will fly to Shikoku where the company's laboratory is present.
This is the first time for me to be employed as a permanent worker.
I am not young as a fresh newcomer. Who cares?
I can watch and learn many things and ask anything to anybody around me.
Sounds so exciting.
small trip

After spending three days in Kansai, before I left for Tokyo,
I had a small trip to Tokushima.
I booked a bas ticket and went to Tokushima.
The destination was a museum. (Otsuka Museum of Art)
There is a museum along the beautiful beach of Naruto in Tokushima.
The museum has a great collection of world famous masterpaintings
which were reproduced on ceramic boards.
Using a special manufacturing technique, the paintings are created with the same size of the original art works.
When you enter the musium, you can enjoy full-sized reproductions
as if you enter in a art book!
That was a fantastic experience to me.
Traveling alone in such a sunny day near the beautiful ocean is really great.
my work
This is the first time for me to live in Tokyo, alone.
I was working for the company as a temporary worker dispatched from an agent.
Now, I am about to be hired as permanent employee.
my job
I work for a project that the company is engaged for a global clinical trial.
The trial is conducted in Japan, Korea and China.
In this multi-national study, our project team is developing medicine for patients with respiratory disease.
Aug 17, 2009
I am still working in Tokyo at the same place for the same job.
However, things become complicated a little.
First, my job contract will be changed on October.
So far I was hired by IG, but the contract was expired last week.
Now I have lots of free time till October!
I can do anything.
What will I do?
Three months have passed!
Last week, I visited South Korea to attend a conference
on business trip with my collegues.
This was the first visit to South Korea.
We had a pulmonary function test training. We went there
as a sponsor, and we invited PFT training trainers and
trainees from medical institutions.
I will go to there on June again.
Nest time, we will have a CT scanning meeting
with radiologists and respiratory doctors.
April, 26 Sunday
I have many teleconference at work.
As an interpreter, I attend the teleconference to talk with people
from China, South Korea, Singapore, Belgium, Germany and U.S.
When I have a teleconference with people from Washington,
I have to go to my office at 8:00AM.
When I exchange email with a vendor from Germany,
I sometimes stay at office till 11:00PM.
It is busy, quite busy, but so far I enjoy. I have a fun.
My boss works in Beijin.
He works far away from me with one hour time difference.
Every day I exchage email with him and make phone calls
and sometimes see his face on televideo.
I was a little bit worried about this situation first,
but right now I am accustomed to this situation, I guess.
Working globally is sometimes not easy. Sometimes I feel alone.
Even if I feel the necessity to be around with my boss,
he is not here.
However, before losing confidence to work with this team,
getting working skills and working smart is the biggest goal
and eventually this is for him, too.
Working in this team gives me lots of fun, lots of tasks, so I can learn a lot.
It is fun to me. So far.
Business trip
I has been out of city for this week for business trip.
Last Tuesday, I left Haneda airport, then arrived in Osaka airport.
Then I stayed at a hotel in Osaka for the whole week.
I visited Kansai area just for work. There was no time to
spend freely. I had to come back to Tokyo.
This weekend was a three-day holiday in Japan, but my schedule was
only for work.
Gen-mai rice

Since I moved here and started to live alone, I have not have chance to eat
brown rice, so I starved for it.
After three weeks of search, finally I can prepare brown rice.
It is tasty. It contains lots of fibers, so it is good for bowel movement, too.
Healthy food.
celebrity's bread (セレブのパン)
2009 March 7
Here are my current working conditions in my new company.
1) The first three month is a trial period. (OK, I will try my best.)
2) After three month, if both sides (the company and myself) agree,
I will be a permanent employee of the company. (Oh, that must be great idea.)
3) The monthly salary as a permanent employee is still unknown...
Does it sounds funny? I don't receive any information on how much I can get.
Will it be 50,000yen, or 100,000yen?? Still, it is a total mystery to me!
Truly sounds funny, is it?
2009/ May 4
Today, I had a teleconference with people from Germany.
As an interpreter, I translated their conversation.
The topic was to create manuals for a medical device.
They had a detailed discussion and the meeting lasted
for three hours.
I needed lots of energy in the teleconference and I thought
I must learn many things in the pulmonary disease field
which my team is involved in our project.
I am working as an interpreter for a project
in a pharmaceutical company.
I am not an expert in medical field, and I did not
have any confidence to work as an interpreter.
Though I had many year's experience in attending
interpreter's school and actually devoted myself to study hard
to become an interpreter, I have always suffered from
a complex when I speak in English and I am very embarrassed
to be called an interpreter because of my poor English ability.
I could not drop this idea so far.
However, now I am working as an interpreter for a project that
my company is doing.
The field of the project is very technical, especially to me
so I have to learn many things every day.
I am learning new words through my work.
Then I realized that I do not have to show off my ability.
I just have to learn new words one by one,
and with the knowledge, if I can help my team staff
to communicate smoothly, this is my goal.
Fluency is also important, but having good communication
with my collegues and helping them with my ability
is more important to be an interpreter.
New workplace
Yesterday was the first day of my work.
The office location is spectacular. Shinagawa-statation area
has a lot of skyscraper buildings. It is a real urban life.
But if you walk in an opposite way from the station, you will find
typical Japanese old type fish shop and vegetable store.
Tokaido-shukuba town is still there.
It is a mysterious and interesting contrast !
Day 1st
Finally, the day has come.
Today is the first day of my Tokyo life.
When I left my hometown to board the Shinkan-sen,
my family came to the station to say good bye to me.
Since most of my baggages were already sent by Takkyu-bin beforehand,
only with my suitcase and small bags, I rode on the Shinkansen.
It was a very nice day, so luckily I saw the mountain Fuji through the window
of the train. After I arrived in my new room, I decided to explore the big city.
So, I stood in the middle of the crowded city of Shin-juku.
I had just tried to visit a large bookstore, Kinokuniya
but I was overwhelmed by the crowd of people and was lightheaded.
At night, I do not why but suddenly I was very disappointed and cried.
My Room
I am going to rent a temporary room in my new place.
It is a monthly furnished one-room plus small kitchen apartment.
The rent is well over 100,000 yen per month.
It includes utility charges and the location is very convenient.
It is very near my workplace. I can walk to my office every morning.
The good thing is I am now freed from fears and worries about
how to commute to work by crowded trains in a new city.
The room has a small desk, a chair and a LAN cable available.
I can bring my PC and printer.
This is all I need for the time being.
Along with these devices, I can devote myself
to study hard to acquire new things about pharmaceutical industry
which I will embark on.
Sadly, I have no idea what kind of attractive things are there in Tokyo.
I am pretty sure it has many.
But right now, since I am a total stranger in the new city,
there is nothing to distract me from the study.
How lucky I am!
.... maybe.
Feb 8 Sun
My family
My father, my mother, my younger sister and niece.
This is my family.
My niece is three years old. She is sooooooo cute.
Spending time with her is significant and precious to me.
Today, we visited an Italian restaurant near my house and
enjoyed lots of pasta, pizza and dolce. Tasty.
How many hours can I spend time with my family
in the rest of my life?
I thought the time is unlimited forever....
Feb 7 Sat
Yesterday was the last day of my work.
To my surprise, as I tried to leave the office,
people around me stood up and gave me flowers,
and some small gifts and letters.
I thank all of the people I have met at the office.
2009 Jan 30
Soon, I will leave my home town. I've got a new job in Tokyo.
I got the news just 3 days ago, then I will leave my workplace
at the end of next week and move to Tokyo on Feb14.
How fast things change.